Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vocabulary Root Lists

Lessons 1-2
cred = believe; deus = God; divine = foretell, omniscient; theos = God; sacre = holy; sanct = holy; hiero = high and holy; pia/pie = pure.

Lessons 3-4
dox/dog = opinion; gno/gni = know; crit/cris = judge; mnem/mnes = memory; phren/fren = mind; ratio = reason; not/nos = know; sap/sag = wise; put = calculate, consider; sci(e) = knowledge, understanding.

Lessons 5-6
litera = letter; scrib/script = write; nom/nym = name; graph/gram = draw; lex/lect = word or speech; logos = word or logic

Lessons 7-8
fab = conversation, storytelling; dict = state, tell; gloss/glot = tongue; clam/claim = shout; for/forum = debate; ling = language; loc/loq = talk; verb = word

First Semester Extra Roots
a = not; hetero = different; homo = same; cracy = government; prot = first; pro = forward; epi = on; pre = before; plebe = commoner, citizen...

Lessons 9-10
geo/gee = the earth, as in the globe; terra = earth, as in the ground; humus = soil; mont = mountain; past = shepherd; rur/rust = country, as in countryside; anima = life force; ether = upper air; fan/phan = to show or appear; spirit/spiro = breath; hyper = over; vent = wind.

Lessons 11-12
ferv = boiling hot; flagr = burning; flam = flame; incend = to set on fire; caut/caust = chemical burn; pyr = fire; scint = spark; flu = flow; hydra = water; mar = sea; naus/naut = ship; pont/pons = bridge; unda = wave

Lessons 13-14
ord = order; stol = to send; regula = to rule; rect = straight, right; stell = star; ast = star; cosmo = universe; mut = change; temer = rash, reckless; turb = disorder; spers = to scatter; temper = balanced; ultima/ultra = last or beyond.

Lessons 15-16

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