Sunday, October 12, 2008

Strategy and Success Blog

Well, here we are past the interim point of our first semester. How are things going? I've noticed many things about this year's sophomores: you're good natured, you're expressive, and you work well with stories. The bad news (there's always a little bad news) is that you're not testing well, and there seems to be some problems with reading/studying habits. I'd like to work with you to improve the bad news...Your assignment is to answer the following questions:

1) What do you like best about class so far? What's going well?
2) What has been your greatest disappointment so far?
3) Describe how you've studied for tests or prepared for quizzes. Give me time lengths, environment, strategy, etc.
4) Do you know if you're a visual, aural (hearing) or kinesthetic (movement) learner? Answer with a yes or no and an explanation.

BONUS: For extra credit on this blog entry, have a parent leave a comment on your post. Have your Mom or Dad describe their observations of your strengths and weaknesses in study habits and/or comments on what you are learning in class! This additional perspective will help me provide more specific class instruction in upcoming weeks.

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