Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Update!!

Well, I guess your prayers are answered -- no school and a postponed essay due-date! Here's what you need to be prepared for in January:

1) Please finish the analysis of John on your own. All four analysis sheets, COMPLETED on every line, legible and thoughtful, are due on your first day back. This means you will have to activate your brainsto make some good connections between John's style and his audience/purpose. See note on John below.

2) Take the extended essay deadline as an opportunity to perfect your editing: NO spelling errors, NO apostrophe errors, and NO run-ons. Also, make sure your analysis is ARTISTIC, drawing interpretations out of the text WITH LIT TERMS. Theological and personal musings are allowed, but the ARTISTIC ones are required.

NOTE REGARDING ANALYSIS OF JOHN: I had time to mention this to 6th period, but not 5th. The word "Word" in the first paragraph of this gospel is translated from the Greek Logos. Yes, you should know what that means. I also want you to connect this word to the beliefs of the Stoics, whom we've studied in class and whom you've probably studied for Coffey. Stoicism is rather pantheistic, and the Logos is the rational, orderly "divine" principle of the Stoic universe. What John is doing in the opening of his book is to address the Stoics, the most popular Hellenistic philosophers of the day, and tell them that the Logos is a PERSON. Carry this idea through your re-reading of the text and see how John addresses the Greek thinkers of his day. Also, the use of the word "Word" here does double duty in addressing the Jews, for they would associate the Creator with a Word. Thus, John's audience is Jews and Greeks.

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