Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eastern Lit Assignments

1) Everyone owes me a blog on Hinduism and/or Taoism, due last week! However, I have not graded them yet, so there is some grace time... reflections on the Mahabarata and/or the Tao te Ching or The Tao of Pooh.

2) Haiku contest with free laptop prize!! Check out Scholastic. Also, thanks for your most interesting and lovely original haiku. Hope you enjoyed your Pocky prizes!

3) Your "Letter to the East" will be done in class on Friday. It will be addressed to any Eastern lit character (a Pandava brother, the Taoist master (female), Atsumori or the priest Kumagai. The first part will acknowledge similarities between your beliefs and the second point will explain a crucial difference while presenting the gospel.

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