Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Hero Essay

This is a formal essay assignment, not a blog assignment. It will be submitted on paper, typed, labeled with your name, date, and an essay title, edited to the highest standard possible, and consisting of 2-3 pages. Save your document for future revision.

TOPIC: anything related to heroes or heroism
DUE: Tuesday 16th (any time that day)

Please be creatively open-minded about your topic. What you write needs to be personal and specific to YOU. It should be drawn on your own memories, imagination, or opinions. Don't bore me.
Examples: a memory or description of a hero in your own life, an imaginative description of the hero you would be or wish for, an introspective exploration of some aspect of heroism (self-sacrifice, being bold, etc. - check out your hero blogs for ideas). ANYTHING goes, as long as it's PERSONAL in some way.
Examples from Mrs. Kirk's friends' blogs:

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